Have you consider running for an elected position? It's a great way to meet other PT and PTA throughout Virginia and advance the profession. Self-nominations are certainly welcome! Don't be shy! Likewise, if you know a colleague who would be a good fit, please nominate them.
Job Description
Chapter Elections
Open Positions by Year
Chapter Elections:
Even Year Chapter: Vice President, Treasurer, PTA Caucus Rep; Delegates
Odd Year Chapter: President-Elect, Chief Delegate, Secretary, Delegtes, PTA Caucus Rep.
District Elections:
Even Year Districts:
- Secretary: Blue Ridge, Mountain Valley
- Treasurer: Central, Northern, Tidewater District
- Directors: even year directors
- Nominating Committee Member: Northern, Central, Tidewater
Odd Year Districts:
- Secretary: Central, Northern, Tidewater
- Treasurer: Blue Ridge, Mountain, Valley
- Valley District Directors: even year directors
- Nominating Committee Member: Blue Ridge, Mountain, & Valley
- President-Elect
- Chief Delegate
- Secretary
- Delegate
- PTA Council Representative
- PTA Council Representative Alternate
- Blue Ridge Nominating Committee Member
- Mountain District Nominating Committee Member
- Valley District Nominating Committee Member
- Blue Ridge Director
- Blue Ridge Treasurer
- Central Director
- Central Secretary
- Mountain Director
- Mountain Treasurer
- Northern Director
- Northern Secretary
- Tidewater Director
- Tidewater Secretary
- Valley Director
- Valley Treasurer
If you have specific questions, please email vpta@vpta.org.