The Emerging Leader Award honors an “emerging leader” who has demonstrated extraordinary service early in his or her physical therapy career and made exceptional overall accomplishments and contributions to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), APTA Virginia, and the physical therapy profession to advance APTA's vision.
A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant who is a current member of APTA for at least 5 years and no more than 10 years from formal graduation. The nominee must have current or prior service on one or more appointed or elected groups at the component or national level.
Selection Criteria
The nominee’s Curriculum Vitae and a nominating letter that includes:
- A description of the nominee’s contributions;
- Examples of demonstrated service to the Association, component, or physical therapy profession;
- Explanation of the potential for future contributions to APTA and the physical therapy profession;
- Examples of how the nominee has advanced activities at the chapter level; and
- A description of the outcome of the contributions and how the contributions align with the component or APTA goals, objectives, and vision.
Selection Process:
Nominations must be submitted by February 1. The Awards Committee will make the final selection with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Presentation of the Award:
The recipient will receive at minimum a certificate, which will be presented at the APTA Virginia Annual Members' Meeting.
Additional Resources:
For questions regarding the nomination process or the awards, please contact vpta@vpta.org.
Award History:
2011 - Megan Bureau, PT, DPT
2012 - n/a
2013 - n/a
2014 - n/a
2015 - n/a
2016 - Brandon Smith, PT, DPT
2017 - n/a
2018 - n/a
2019 - n/a
2020 - Brittany Samulski, PT, DPT, PhD
2021 - n/a
2022 - n/a
2023 - Emily J. Hawkins, PT, DPT
2024 - Brian Britt, PT, DPT