
Critical Crossroads: 9% Medicare Cut

Free Pre-Recorded Webinar About Proposed Fee Schedule and Efforts to Fight the 9% Cut
APTA staff has prepared a 40-minute pre-recorded webinar that provides an overview of the 2021 CMS Physician Fee Schedule Rule, reviews the legislative and regulatory advocacy efforts underway to fight the 9% cut, outlines APTA's press, social media, and grassroots efforts, and describes the ways that you and others can get involved in helping to fight the cut. Please share this webinar with others who you think may be interested in learning more about the rule, current APTA efforts, and opportunities for both members and non-members to get involved.
Contact your Members of Congress
Contact your Members of Congress and let them know that Congress must take immediate action to stop the 9% cut. Taking action now and in the days ahead is vital to the future of the profession and patients. Template letters are available for both members and non-members, including the general public.
Submit Comments to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 
It is very important that everyone submit comments to CMS in response to the 2021 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule, which includes the proposal to cut payment to physical therapy by an estimated 9%. Tell CMS that it must stop the 9% cut to physical therapy. APTA offers publicly accessible, customizable template letters for PT, PTA, students, and patients to use to submit to CMS via APTA's Regulatory Action Center

