
Practice Questions? Let us Help!

Practice Questions? Let us help!
In order to help achieve its mission, APTA Virginia has ten committees each focused on a different area. One of these committees is the Payer and Practice Relations Committee which focuses on the primary elements involved in the practice of physical therapy including: scope of practice, administration of practice, standards and ethics of practice, and the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. The committee also recognizes that reimbursement/payment is likely the most confusing and frustrating part of clinical practice, so the members of this committee are here to help you navigate any questions physical therapy professionals and students in Virginia might have.
Below, Ron Masri and Ben Keeton have answered some of your most recent questions.
Understandably, there have been many questions regarding COVID-19 and the impacts on the practice of physical therapy, including telehealth.  In response to the many questions, both the VPTA and APTA put together resources related to COIVD-19.
VPTA Resources:
APTA Resources:
APTA Special Interest Group COVID-19 Resources (some may require log-in):  
How long should clinicians maintain medical records?
In Virginia, maintenance of medical records is dependent upon the age of the patient:
  • Minor patients: records should be maintained for 6 years after the last patient contact, or until the patient becomes 18 (or becomes emancipated), whichever is longer.
  • Adult patients: records should be maintained 6 years after the last patient contact
Questions about direct access?
Check out VPTA's FAQ here:
Specialized treatments
A member asked a question about performing diagnostic ultrasound for things such as musculoskeletal or peripheral nerve pathologies and Dr. Masri stated that there are no restrictions on PTs performing the procedure in Virginia.  If you are interested in learning more about physical therapy and imaging, check out APTA's resources in this subject area.  It is important to remember that clinicians should always take responsibility to possess and demonstrate competence in performing all treatment skills, especially those that are more specialized.
What questions do you have?! Sure, you could go digging through pages and pages to find your answer, or you could ask us and we can make your life easier! That's what we're here for! PTs, PTAs, and SPTs in Virginia are welcome to email with any questions. Questions are then forwarded to Payer and Practice Relations Committee chairs, Ron Masri and Ben Keeton.



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