
Now Accepting Leadership Nominations!


Volunteering for a leadership position can be a rewarding experience that not only benefits you, but our entire physical therapy community.

When you raise your hand to volunteer, you are giving yourself the opportunity to expand your professional network and make valuable connections with like-minded individuals in this incredible profession - connections that can lead to new job opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations.

It also allows you to develop leadership skills and gain experience in areas that you may not have had the chance to explore in your current role. You will have the chance to work on projects that make a tangible impact within APTA Virginia, such as planning events, creating educational resources, and pushing our members to do amazing things.

Volunteering for a leadership position is a great way to give back to the community and support the profession that you are passionate about. It provides a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment to know that you are contributing to the growth and success of our APTA VA family.

If you have thought about getting more involved in the APTA Virginia community, we encourage you to consider volunteering for a leadership position and continue to make APTA VA better together.
You may nominate yourself or a committed APTA VA colleague.
All nominations should be submitted on or before July 29, 2024.

For full job descriptions and details of the election process for each open position click here.

APTA Virginia is committed to nourishing and broadening diversity in the governance of the association. APTA Virginia seeks diversity across the board and all committees, task forces, other advisory groups, and individuals to include:
  • Gender (including nondiscrimination based on sexual representation and orientation or gender identity)
  • Racial/ethnic representation
  • Disciplinary heterogeneity
  • Practitioner/academic balance
  • Geographic heterogeneity
  • International representation and perspectives
  • Heterogeneity of areas of application
View current Leadership composition here.

The Nomination Process
All members in good standing will receive a text message with a link or an email from APTA Virginia with the subject “APTA Virginia Nominations 2024” via ElectionBuddy.

Please add to your contact list to ensure you receive notifications. If their your administrator requires an IP addresses to whitelist, it is 
There are two options for nominations: Chapter and District positions. Be CERTAIN to nominate in the correct capacity. You may need to write in someone's name, including your own, OR you may choose not to nominate by selecting abstain. Self-nominations are permitted and encouraged.
Nominations opened on May 15 at 9:00 AM EST and will not be accepted
after 11:45 pm, ET on July 29, 2024.

If you have questions about the nominations and elections process, please contact

