
PT/PTA License Renewal Tips

Here are some key points to remember with license renewal: Depending on the status of the license, fees and requirements may vary.   
For more information go to DHP online renewal or click online licensing to get started. 

Here are some key points to remember with license renewal: Depending on the status of the license, fees and requirements may vary.   

1. Pay the Fee
  1. A physical therapist and physical therapist assistant who intends to continue practicing shall renew their license biennially by December 31 in each even-numbered year. They will pay to the board the renewal fee prescribed in  18VAC112-20-27.
    1. The fee for active license renewal for a physical therapist shall be $135 and for a physical therapist assistant shall be $70 and shall be due by December 31 in each even-numbered year.
    2. The fee for an inactive license renewal for a physical therapist shall be $70 and for a physical therapist assistant shall be $35 and shall be due by December 31 in each even-numbered year.
    3. A fee of $50 for a physical therapist and $25 for a physical therapist assistant for processing a late renewal within one renewal cycle shall be paid in addition to the renewal fee.
    4. The fee for reinstatement of a license that has expired for two or more years shall be $180 for a physical therapist and $120 for a physical therapist assistant and shall be submitted with an application for licensure reinstatement.
A licensee whose licensure has not been renewed by the first day of the month following the month in which renewal is required shall pay a late fee as prescribed in 18VAC112-20-27.
2.  Provide proof of work and CEU
B.  In order to renew an active license, a licensee shall be required to Licensee shall maintain the Continued Competency Activity and Assessment Form:
1. Complete a minimum of 160 hours of active practice in the preceding two years; and
2. Comply with continuing competency requirements set forth in  18VAC112-20-131
  • You need 30 hours of continuing education (CE) within the two years immediately preceding renewal.
  • Guidance: 18VAC112-20-131. Continued Competency Requirements for Renewal of an Active License.
  • A minimum of 20 of the contact hours required for physical therapists and 15 of the contact hours required for physical therapist assistants shall be in Type 1 courses.  Examples of type 1 "course" means an organized program of study, classroom experience or similar educational experience that is directly related to the clinical practice of physical therapy and approved or provided by one of the following organizations or any of its components
a. The Virginia Physical Therapy Association;
b. The American Physical Therapy Association;
c. Local, state or federal government agencies;
d. Regionally accredited colleges and universities;
e. Health care organizations accredited by a national accrediting organization granted authority by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to assure compliance with Medicare conditions of participation;
f. The American Medical Association - Category I Continuing Medical Education course;
g. The National Athletic Trainers' Association; or
h. The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy.
  • No more than 10 of the contact hours required for physical therapists and 15 of the contact hours required for physical therapist assistants may be Type 2 activities or courses Type 2 activities may include consultation with colleagues, independent study, and research or writing on subjects related to practice. Up to two of Type 2 continuing education hours may be satisfied through the delivery of physical therapy services, without compensation, to low-income individuals receiving services through a local health department or a free clinic organized in whole or primarily for the delivery of health services.   
  • Be aware there are some activities that can count as continue education credits such as initial certification or recertification of specialty certification by the American Physical Therapy Association ; graduation from a transitional doctor of physical therapy program; attained at least Level 2 on the FSBPT assessment tool may receive five hours of Type 1 credit for the biennium in which the assessment tool was taken. A physical therapist who can document that he attained at least Level 3 or 4 on the FSBPT assessment tool may receive 10 hours of Type 1 credit for the biennium in which the assessment tool was taken. Continued competency credits shall only be granted for the FSBPT assessment tool once every four years.
In response to requests for interpretation on continuing education credits, the Board has adopted the following guidance and as of May 2018, amendments were made:
  • One credit hour of a college course is considered equivalent to 15 contact hours of Type 1 continuing education.
  • Courses directly related to the clinical practice of physical therapy and are sponsored by providers approved by other state licensing boards may be considered for Type 1 continuing education.
  • Research and preparation for the clinical supervision experience or teaching of workshops or courses in a classroom setting constitute Type 2 activities.
  • Classroom teaching of physical therapy topics and clinical supervision constitute Type 2 activities.
  • For every 40 hours of clinical instruction, one contact hour of Type 2 activities may be granted.
 If you were initially licensed by examination in Virginia and this is your first renewal, you are exempt from the requirement that you complete at least 30 hours of continuing education (CE) within the two years immediately preceding renewal. Therefore, answering “yes” to the question, "Have you completed 30 hours of continuing education activities within the two (2) years immediately preceding renewal and engaged in 160 active practice hours as a [physical therapist/physical therapist assistant] as defined in 18 VAC 112-20-130 for a period of two (2) years immediately preceding submission of this application?” will not impact the renewal process for new licensees who fall into this CE exemption, as long as the applicant has completed the 160 active practice hours.
Other FAQs may be answered at The Virginia Board of Physical Therapy Website.  
§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.
18VAC112-20-130. Biennial Renewal of License
The Virginia Board of Physical Therapy Website

