
2022 Annual Members Meeting

If 2020 and 2021 were about re-imaging the work of physical therapists, 2022 is about taking what we learned, saw, and felt, and making lasting changes to our work in service of our patients and communities.

This year's annual members meeting embraces the work in progress. Together we will consider what we learned in the past two years—what it means to be responsive in an everchanging landscape, how we define community, allocate resources, and find new ways to engage members and keep our association vibrant.

Join your peers and colleagues at the 2022 Annual Members Meeting on November 5, held in conjunction with the Fall Summit. Participate in conversations, workshops, and roundtables about ideas and projects, including those that aren't yet completely realized, and the risks, big and small, that physical therapy professionals are taking to change the field.
Attendance is limited to members-only. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required to ensure ample seating and handouts available.

